
Hotel CasaSandra Isla Holbox s/n Playa Norte Holbox Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico 77780

Distance from hotel to town, 190 kms (118 miles). Distance from hotel to airport, 185 kms (115 miles).
Holbox Island is located at the north of Cancun, where the Caribbean Sea converges with the Gulf of Mexico. Ancestral voices keep whispering old tales with the winds that refresh Holbox. They tell the stories of the Spanish galleons that disappeared in these waters, they also tell the stories of the pirates who took their treasures, pirates like Francisco Molas. Nowadays people think that Molas found a crystalline source of water so beautiful that he decided to bury all his treasures here in Holbox. Who finds the source will find the treasure.
With only 2000 inhabitants Mestizo (Maya, pirates, Spanish and Cuban), sandy streets and a secluded beach, the atmosphere of a small fishing village is jealously guarded. Being a wandering island with its fishing and when it gets late, it goes to the hammock as the heritage of his life.
Holbox is part of the ecological reserve of "Yum Balam", which covers 154,000 square kilometers of protected areas, where unique species reside. Not only the whale shark is an attraction in this place. The arrival of hawksbill turtles, pink flamingos, terns, white pelicans, different types of iguanas and horseshoe crabs are some examples of the natural wealth of this area.
Upon arrival at the port, the island invites one to remove their shoes. Pour into a bag all the stress that is boredom of the city, everyday life. It is advisable not to make plans, forget time, enjoy the landscape and the observation of shells, birds and dolphins on the beach. Holbox Island is authentic and rich with traditions of the sea. The best kept secret in the Mexican Caribbean.
Feelings, emotions, poetry, touches of color, aromas of black coffee, hammocks, fabric on the balconies, fluffy sheets, the sea at every angle, romantic evenings make the magic of "the place of your dreams".
